Welcome to My Contented Life Blog
This blog is about the simple things in life and how pleasureable they can be when we take the time to stop and smell the roses.
Enjoying life can be as simple as noticing the smallest of things , like a flower or the smell of some jonquils growing in the garden, noticing all the self sown seeds that in time, grow to give you nourishment.
We have a few things on the go in our garden- we have self sown Lettuce and Spinach plants.
We have been eating these. I have just used up my last harvest of tomatoes from our green house and manged to stop buying canned tomatoes for 1 whole year. I am so glad. we also hav
e some strawberry plants that are in flower.
We are waiting for our broad beans to grow as well, and I am so looking forward to making broadbean meat pies with them. Yummy.
The next challenge is to grow everything we need and use it in our everyday cooking so we limit the amount we are getting from the grocers, so we can really reduce our carbon foot print.
Our Silver perch and trout are almost big enough to eat- they have taken a long time to get to this stage so this will be our reward when they are finally ready.
Here are some photos of our green house vegies at the moment. There is going to be an explosion of growth over the next month or 2 as it will be getting warmer and more things will germinate. I planted some cucumber seeds, but none came up and found some empty seed pods, eaten out by the resident worms. Very diasppointing, but I will not give up - I am imagining enjoyinh a mouth watering and succulent cucumber mid summer- so will have another go.
Thats all for now- happy gardening- It is still a little early to be palnting out the vegies, but if you have a small green house , start getting your seedlings ready.
Cheers- and have a happy life.
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