I am sure everyone has been busy in their
gardens planting seedlingsor seeds ready for summer.
we have been or trying to inbetween the wet weather and stormy days. Glad to get all the rain though. We have lots of self seeded cherry tomato plants, that are looking healthy as a result of all the rain. They look better than the ones we translplanted.
I plan on thinning them out and moving them to another section so we can make sure the chickens don't trash them when they have fruit on the vines.
As you can see from the picture we have been picking some green and purple snow peas and broad beans. The ones on the left are off the purple broad bean plant and are smaller than the heritage variety. We have also been picking lot of juicy strawberries.
I seem to have less time this year to plant in the garden and I fell I get stressed out just thinking about what needs to be planted so we don't miss out. I find that when I do spend some time in the garden the stress just melts away and I feel I have all the time in the world.
I am determined to have my garden so in the next week or 2 , I am planting out the tomatoes, sowing some pumpkin seeds and water emlon seeds . I also will be clearing out the broad bean plants and harvesting the cabbages.
Recently I came to the realisation that not only do you need time to plant and nuture the garden, but you also need time to harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Sounds a bit like life really- need time to plan , nuture and enjoy your life.
I am looking forward to school holidays where I hope we will just not go anywhere to often - sounds boring, but I think I prefer that to the constant feeling of running here and there and never quite feeling like I have enough time to just sit and think and even have a cup of tea .
Cheers and happy gardening . I am going to try and grow 1000kg again this year. Wish me luck.
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