I first came accross this phrase about 12 months ago
"Imagination is everything it is the preview of lifes coming attraction". Albert Einstien.
I was so taken by the simplicity of it's meaning and how it rang true for what I was trying to do with my life and my passion for creating beaded jewels. I somehow starting finding lots of literature about living your dreams. My sister recommended a book about living your destiny - forgotten the author now( S.Gwain I think)
I went to the book shop to find the book recomended, but it was not in stock, but stumbled upon "The Secret" and bought it. I also stumbled upon a few other books like "Maximum Potential" by Brian Tracey. I feel that I have attracted these books into my life as I have needed them and they have come at exactly the right time, just as I came accross the phrase above at exactly the right moment that it was to have maximum impact on my thoughts.
I have just watched the first 20minutes of the video on "The Secret"-here is the link if you are interested. http://manifestmastermindblog.com/self-development/the-secret-is-the-law-of-attraction-bob-proctor-the-secret
The basic thread on the secret is that you are attracting into your life everything you are thinking about. Whether it is bad or good, you have attracted these things , simply by thinking of these things most of the time. If we apply this simple law, and focus on the things that we do really want, like happiness, wealth, joy, health then by simply thinking on the ways to have these things , they will be attracted to us.
You will most likely already be aware I have already written a few posts on channelling your thoughts on positive emotions and this is what The Secret is all about. You need to be constantly thinking ( and actively pursuing) on the things you want to happen and eventually it will happened ( no it won't happen overnight).
Positive emotions and thoughts give us energy to believe that we can achieve and attract more positive energy to keep our dreams and aspirations alive. Negative emotions cast doubt and halt us in our tracks. I know this for a fact as the minute I stop believing in my dream I lose momentum.
Here is another link that may help you stay on course.
That is what I am trying to do with my design and label. ZaniL Design will become a brand name one day. It doesn not matter to me if anyone else believes this , as long as I do that is all that matters.
So if you do want a ZaniL Design piece before I become famous, just click add to cart on the piece you would like.
My latest earring designs are designed to impart some of this postive energy and I have called them my "Infinite" possibilities, abundance, love, joy , happiness or whatever you are desiring to have. I want my customers to feel joy and look good my ZaniL Designs so that you have lots of positive energy.
So I leave you now , go and do what makes you happy as this is great for your confidence and will only attract more good things into your life.
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